Hunan Anshu Network Co., Ltd.

Basic Enterprise Information

Name:Hunan Anshu Network Co., Ltd.Unified Social Credit Code:9143010009910292XA
Name of legal representative:Cai Can MingResidence:Room 701, 7/F, 5 Xincheng Science Park, 588 Yuelu West Avenue, Changsha High-tech Development Zone
Registered Capital:Five Million YuanCompany Type:Limited Liability Company (natural person investment or holding)
Date Of Establishment:29 April 2014Business Term:29 April 2014 To 28 April 2064
Registration Authority:Changsha Administration For Industry And Commerce Branch Of High-tech Industry DevelopmentEnterprise State:Confirm
Business Scope:Information technology development, transfer, consulting and technical services; computer system integration and technical consulting services; computer software development and sales; computer equipment, electronic products (excluding electronic publications) sales and maintenance services. (Projects subject to approval in accordance with the law may not carry out business activities until approved by relevant departments)

Basic Information of Website

Website Name:OShadan Networked Equipment Search SystemDomain
Website Type:Information Service ClassRecord Number:湘ICP备15013335号
IP Address:ISP Provider: